§ 62‑71. Hearingsto be public; record of proceedings.
(a) All formal hearings before the Commission, a panel of threecommissioners, a commissioner or an examiner shall be public, and shall beconducted in accordance with such rules as the Commission may prescribe. A fulland complete record shall be kept of all proceedings on any formal hearing, andall testimony shall be taken by a reporter appointed by the Commission. Anyparty to a proceeding shall be entitled to a copy of the record or any part thereofupon the payment of the reasonable cost thereof as determined by theCommission.
(b) The Commission in its discretion may approve stenographic ormechanical methods of recording testimony, or a combination of such methods,and a transcript of any such record shall be valid for all purposes, subject toprotest and settlement by the Commission.
(c) The Commission is authorized to provide daily transcripts oftestimony in cases of substantial public interest and in other cases where timeis an important factor to the parties involved.
(d) The Commission shall have authority to contract with oremploy on a temporary basis, when deemed necessary by the chairman of theCommission, court reporters in addition to those employed on a full‑timebasis by the Commission, for the purpose of recording and transcribingtestimony given at hearings before the Commission involving any Class A or Butility. The Commission is authorized to charge the cost of employing suchcourt reporters directly to the involved utility or utilities. (1949, c. 989, s. 1; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1; 1975, c.243, s. 9; 1981, c. 1022.)