§63‑8. Appropriations.
The governing body or bodiesof a city, town and/or county to which this Article is applicable, having powerto appropriate, individually or jointly, money therein, are hereby authorizedto annually appropriate and cause to be raised by taxation in such city, townand/or county or to use from the net proceeds derived from the operation, bysuch city, town or county, of any public utility a sum sufficient to carry outthe provisions of this Article in such proportion and upon such pro‑ratabasis as may be determined upon by a joint board to be appointed by and fromthe governing body or bodies of the city, town and/or the county orindividually as the case may be. Provided, nothing herein shall be construed topermit the governing bodies of any county, city or town to issue bonds underthe provisions of this Article without a vote of the people. (1929,c. 87, s. 8.)