§63A‑24. General laws apply to Authority; exceptions.
Except as provided in thissection, the general laws that apply to State agencies apply to the Authority. The following general laws, to the extent provided below, do not apply to theAuthority:
(1) Article 3 of Chapter143 of the General Statutes does not apply to contracts for services listed in49 U.S.C. § 2210(a)(16) or contracts for special user projects. That Articlealso does not apply to other contracts for projects, but, with respect to theseother contracts, the powers and duties established in that Article shall beexercised by the Authority and the Secretary of Administration, and other Stateofficers, employees, or agencies shall have no duties or responsibilitiesconcerning the contracts.
(2) Article 8 of Chapter143 of the General Statutes does not apply to public building contracts of theAuthority, but, with respect to these contracts, the powers and dutiesestablished in that Article shall be exercised by the Authority and the Secretaryof Administration, and other State officers, employees, or agencies shall haveno duties or responsibilities concerning the contracts.
(3) Except for G.S. 146‑29.1,146‑79, and 146‑80, Chapter 146 of the General Statutes does notapply to the Authority. (1991, c. 749, s. 1.)