§63A‑7. Police power.
(a) The Authority hasjurisdiction within a cargo airport complex site. The Board may adoptordinances regulating traffic and parking within the cargo airport complex siteand for the safety and welfare of those using the cargo airport complex. Anordinance adopted under this subsection shall be recorded in the minutes of theBoard. A copy of the ordinance shall be filed in the office of the AttorneyGeneral of North Carolina and shall be posted at appropriate places in the cargoairport complex site. Any person who violates an ordinance of the Authority isguilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(b) The executivedirector of the Authority may designate employees of the Authority as specialpolice officers. A person designated as a special police officer hasjurisdiction within the cargo airport complex site to arrest a person whoviolates any federal or State law or any ordinance of the Authority and hasother powers to the same extent as police officers of incorporatedmunicipalities. An employee designated as a special police officer shall takethe oath of a law enforcement officer set out in G.S. 11‑11. (1991,c. 749, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 499; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)