Prepaid EntertainmentContracts.
§ 66‑118. Definitions.
As used in this Article,unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(1) "Contractcost" means the total consideration paid by a buyer pursuant to a contractincluding but not limited to:
a. Any initiation ornonrecurring fee charged;
b. All periodic feesrequired by the contract;
c. All dues ormaintenance fees; and
d. All finance charges,time‑price differentials, interest, and other similar fees and charges.
(2) "Contractduration" means the total period of use allowed by a buyer's contract,including months or time periods that are called "free" or"bonus" or that are described in any other terms suggesting that theyare provided free of charge.
(3) "Prepaidentertainment contract" means any contract in which:
a. The buyer of aservice pays for or is obligated to pay for service prior to the buyer'sreceipt of or enjoyment of any or all of the services;
b. The seller is otherthan a licensed nonprofit school, college, or university; the State or anysubdivision thereof; or a nonprofit religious, ethnic, or communityorganization; and
c. The services to beperformed are related to any one of the following:
1. Dance lessons orfacilities, or any related services or events;
2. Matching, dating, orsocial club services or facilities, including any service represented asproviding names of, introduction to, or opportunity to meet members of theopposite sex;
3. Martial artstraining;
4. Health or athleticclub services or facilities. (1979, c. 833, s. 1; 1991(Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1009, s. 1.)