§66‑255. Specialty market registration list.
A specialty market operatormust maintain a daily registration list of all specialty market vendors sellingor offering goods for sale at the specialty market. The registration list mustclearly and legibly show each specialty market vendor's name, permanentaddress, and certificate of registration number. The specialty market operatormust require each specialty market vendor to exhibit a valid certificate ofregistration for visual inspection by the specialty market operator at the timeof registration, and must require each specialty market vendor to keep thecertificate of registration conspicuously and prominently displayed, so as tobe visible for inspection by patrons of the specialty market vendor at theplaces or locations at which the goods are offered for sale. Each dailyregistration list maintained pursuant to this section must be retained by thespecialty market operator for no less than two years and must at any time bemade available upon request to any law enforcement officer. (1996,2nd Ex. Sess., c. 14, s. 24; 1998‑121, s. 7.)