Safety Features ofTrailers.
§ 66‑27.5. Housetrailers to have two doors.
(a) In order to providegreater protection from the dangers of fire, every new house trailer having abody length exceeding 32 feet and manufactured or assembled after January 1,1970, and sold in this State shall, if such house trailer is to be used as aresidence or dwelling within this State, be equipped with at least two doors. These doors shall be located in the vicinity of the front and rear rooms of thehouse trailer. Provided, however, this section shall not apply: to any (i)travel trailer which is factory equipped for the road and designed to be usedas a dwelling for travel, recreational or vacation use, if such travel trailerdoes not exceed 32 feet in length; (ii) to any house trailer of any length soldin North Carolina for use in a state other than North Carolina.
(b) It shall beunlawful for any dealer to sell in this State any house trailer manufactured orassembled after January 1, 1970, having a body length exceeding 32 feet whichdoes not conform to the specifications set forth in subsection (a). Any dealerwho violates this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. (1969,c. 463; 1993, c. 539, s. 511; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)