§ 66‑359. PEG channelgrants.
(a) PEG Channel Fund. The PEG Channel Fund is created as an interest‑bearing special revenuefund. It consists of revenue allocated to it under G.S. 105‑164.44I(b)and any other revenues appropriated to it. The e‑NC Authority, createdunder G.S. 143B‑437.46, administers the Fund.
(b) Grants. A countyor city may apply to the e‑NC Authority for a grant from the PEG ChannelFund. In awarding grants from the Fund, the e‑NC Authority must, to theextent possible, select applicants from all parts of the State based upon need.Grants from the Fund are subject to the following limitations:
(1) The grant may notexceed twenty‑five thousand dollars ($25,000).
(2) The applicant mustmatch the grant on a dollar‑for‑dollar basis.
(3) The grant may beused only for capital expenditures necessary to provide PEG channelprogramming.
(4) An applicant mayreceive no more than one grant per fiscal year.
(c) Reports. The e‑NCAuthority must publish an annual report on grants awarded under this section.The report must list each grant recipient, the amount of the grant, and thepurpose of the grant. (2006‑151, s. 1.)