§66‑40. Unlawful disposition of property stored.
If any person unlawfullysells, pledges, lends, or in any other way disposes of or permits or is a partyto the unlawful selling, pledging, lending, or other disposition of any goods,wares, merchandise, or anything deposited in a public warehouse, without theauthority of the party who deposited the same, he shall be punished by a finenot to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) and by imprisonment in the State'sprison for not more than three years; but no officer, manager, or agent of suchpublic warehouse shall be liable to the penalties provided in this sectionunless, with the intent to injure or defraud any person, he so sells, pledges,lends, or in any other way disposes of the same, or is a party to the selling,pledging, lending, or other disposition of any goods, wares, merchandise,article, or thing so deposited. (1901, c. 678, s. 11; Rev.,s. 3831; C.S., s. 5123.)