§68‑18.1. Notice when owner not known.
If the owner of the impoundedlivestock is not known or cannot be found, the impounder shall inform theregister of deeds that he has impounded the livestock and provide the registerof deeds with a description of the livestock. The register of deeds shallrecord the information in a book kept for that purpose, and shall charge theimpounder a fee of ten dollars ($10.00). The register of deeds shallimmediately publish a notice of the impoundment of the animal by posting anotice on the courthouse door. The notice on the courthouse door shall beposted for 30 days, and shall contain a full description of the livestockimpounded, including all marks or brands on the livestock, and shall state whenand where the animal was taken up. The impounder shall publish once, in somenewspaper published and distributed in the county, a notice containing the sameinformation as the notice posted by the register of deeds. The fees forpublishing the notice shall be paid by the impounder. (1874‑5,c. 258, s. 2; Code, s. 3768; Rev., s. 2833; C.S., s. 3951; 1991, c. 472, s. 2.)