§69‑25.11. Changes in area of district.
After a fire protectiondistrict has been established under the provisions of this Article and fireprotection commissioners have been appointed, changes in the area may be madeas follows:
(1) The area of any fireprotection district may be increased by including within the boundaries of thedistrict any adjoining territory upon the application of the owner, or a two‑thirdsmajority of the owners, of the territory to be included, the unanimousrecommendation in writing of the fire protection commissioners of saiddistrict, the approval of a majority of the members of the board of directorsof the corporation furnishing fire protection to the district, and the approvalof the board or boards of county commissioners in the county or counties inwhich said fire protection district is located. However, before said fireprotection district change is approved by the county commissioners, noticeshall be given once a week for two successive calendar weeks in a newspaper havinggeneral circulation in said district, and notice shall be posted at thecourthouse door in each county affected, and at three public places in the areato be included, said notices inviting interested citizens to appear at adesignated meeting of said county commissioners, said notice to be publishedthe first time and posted not less than fifteen days prior to the date fixedfor hearing before the county commissioners.
(2) The area of any fireprotection district may be decreased by removing therefrom any territory, uponthe application of the owner or owners of the territory to be removed, theunanimous recommendation in writing of the fire protection commissioners ofsaid district, the approval of a majority of the members of the board ofdirectors of the corporation furnishing fire protection to the district, andthe approval of the board or boards of county commissioners of the county orcounties in which the district is located.
(3) In the case ofadjoining fire districts having in effect the same rate of tax for fireprotection, the board of county commissioners, upon petition of the fireprotection commissioners and the boards of directors of the corporationsfurnishing fire protection in the districts affected, shall have the authorityto relocate the boundary lines between such fire districts in accordance withthe petition or in such other manner as to the board may seem proper. Uponreceipt of such petition, the board of county commissioners shall set a dateand time for a public hearing on the petition, and notice of such hearing shallbe published in some newspaper having general circulation within the districtsto be affected once a week for two weeks preceding the time of the hearing.Such hearings may be adjourned from time to time and no further notice isrequired of such adjourned hearings. In the event any boundaries of firedistricts are altered or relocated under this section, the same shall takeeffect at the beginning of the next succeeding fiscal year after such action istaken.
(4) In the case ofadjoining fire districts having in effect a different rate of tax for fireprotection, the board of county commissioners, upon petition of two thirds ofthe owners of the territory involved and after receiving a favorablerecommendation of the fire protection commissioners and the boards of directorsof the corporations furnishing fire protection in the districts affected, maytransfer such territory from one district to another and therefore relocate theboundary lines between such fire districts in accordance with the petition orin such other manner as the board may deem proper. Upon receipt of suchpetition, the board of county commissioners shall set a date and time for apublic hearing on the petition, and notice of such hearing shall be publishedin some newspaper having general circulation within the districts to beaffected once a week for two weeks preceding the time of the hearing. Suchhearings may be adjourned from time to time and no further notice is requiredof such adjourned hearings. In the event any boundaries of fire districts arerelocated under this section, the same shall take effect at the beginning ofthe next succeeding fiscal year after such action is taken.
(5) The area of any fireprotection district may be increased by including within the boundaries of thedistrict any adjoining territory lying within the corporate limits of the cityif the territory is not already included within a fire protection district,provided both the city governing body and the county commissioners of thecounty or counties in which the fire protection district is located all agreeby resolution to such inclusion. (1955, c. 1270; 1959, c. 805,s. 5; 1965, cc. 625, 1101; 1987, c. 711, s. 2.)