§69‑25.14. Contract with city or town to which all or part of districtannexed concerning property of district and furnishing of fire protection.
Whenever all or any part ofthe area included within the territorial limits of a fire protection districtis annexed to or becomes a part of a city or town, the governing body of suchdistrict may contract with the governing body of such city or town to give,grant or convey to such city or town, with or without consideration, in suchmanner and on such terms and conditions as the governing body of such districtshall deem to be in the best interests of the inhabitants of the district, allor any part of its property, including, but without limitation, any fire‑fightingequipment or facilities, and may provide in such contract for the furnishing offire protection by the city or town or by the district. (1957,c. 526.)