§69‑25.8. Authority, rights, privileges and immunities of counties, etc.,performing services under Article.
Any county, municipalcorporation or fire protection district performing any of the servicesauthorized by this Article shall be subject to the same authority andimmunities as a county would enjoy in the operation of a county fire departmentwithin the county, or a municipal corporation would enjoy in the operation of afire department within its corporate limits.
No liability shall be incurredby any municipal corporation on account of the absence from the city or town ofany or all of its fire‑ fighting equipment or of members of its firedepartment by reason of performing services authorized by this Article.
Members of any county,municipal or fire protection district fire department shall have all of theimmunities, privileges and rights, including coverage by workers' compensationinsurance, when performing any of the functions authorized by this Article, asmembers of a county fire department would have in performing their duties inand for a county, or as members of a municipal fire department would have inperforming their duties for and within the corporate limits of the municipalcorporation. (1951, c. 820, s. 8; 1979, c. 714, s. 2.)