§ 71A‑1. CherokeeIndians of Robeson County; rights and privileges.
The persons residing inRobeson, Richmond, and Sampson counties, who have heretofore been known as"Croatan Indians" or "Indians of Robeson County," togetherwith their descendants, shall hereafter be known and designated as"Cherokee Indians of Robeson County," and by that name shall beentitled to all the rights and privileges heretofore or hereafter conferred, byany law or laws of the State of North Carolina, upon the Indians heretoforeknown as the "Croatan Indians" or "Indians of RobesonCounty." In all laws enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolinarelating to said Indians subsequent to the enactment of said Chapter 51 of theLaws of 1885, the words "Croatan Indians" and "Indians ofRobeson County" are stricken out and the words "Cherokee Indians ofRobeson County" inserted in lieu thereof. (1885, c. 51, s. 2; Rev., s.4168; 1911, c. 215; P.L. 1911, c. 263; 1913, c. 123; C.S., s. 6257; 1977, 2ndSess., c. 1193, s. 1.)