§ 71A‑7.1. MeherrinTribe of North Carolina; rights, privileges, immunities, obligations andduties.
The Indians now residing insmall communities in Hertford, Bertie, Gates, and Northampton Counties, who in1726 were granted reservational lands at the mouth of the Meherrin River in thevicinity of present‑day Parker's Ferry near Winton in Hertford County,and who are of the same linguistic stock as the Cherokee, Tuscarora, and othertribes of the Iroquois Confederacy of New York and Canada, shall, from andafter July 20, 1971, be designated and officially recognized as the MeherrinTribe of North Carolina, and shall continue to enjoy all their rights,privileges, and immunities as citizens of the State as now or hereafterprovided by law, and shall continue to be subject to all the obligations andduties of citizens under the law. (2003‑54, s. 2.)