Waterways Obtained.
§ 74‑25. Water anddrainage rights obtained.
Any person or body corporateengaged or about to engage in mining, who may find it necessary for thefurtherance of his operations to convey water either to or from his mine ormines over the lands of any other person or persons, may make application bypetition in writing to the clerk of the superior court of the county in whichthe lands to be affected or the greater part are situate, for the right so toconvey such water. The owner of the lands to be affected shall be made a partydefendant, and the proceedings shall be conducted as other special proceedings.(1871‑2, c. 158, ss. 1, 3; Code, ss. 3293, 3294, 3300; Rev., s.4953; C.S., s. 6920.)