§ 74‑54.1. Permit fees.
(a) The fee schedulefor the processing of permit applications and permit renewals and modificationsis as follows:
0‑25acres 26+ acres
NewPermit Applications $3,750.00 $5,000.00
PermitModifications $750.00 $1,000.00
PermitRenewals $750.00 $1,000.00
Transfers $100.00 $100.00
(b) The Mining Accountis established as a nonreverting account within the Department. Fees collectedunder this section shall be credited to the Mining Account and shall be appliedto the costs of administering this Article.
(c) The Departmentshall annually report on or before 1 September to the Environmental ReviewCommission, the Fiscal Research Division, and the Mining Commission on the costof implementing this Article. The report shall include the fees established,collected, and disbursed under this section and any other information requestedby the General Assembly or the Commission. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 944, s. 1; 1991 (Reg.Sess., 1992), c. 1039, s. 16; 1993, c. 513, s. 3; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.568, s. 6; 2007‑323, s. 30.2(a).)