§74‑88. Confidentiality of logs, surveys, and reports.
If a person engaged in uraniumexploration shows to the satisfaction of the Department that logs, surveysplats, and reports filed under this Article are of a proprietary naturerelating to his competitive rights, that information shall be confidential andnot subject to inspection and examination (as authorized by G.S. 132‑6)for four years after receipt of the information by the Department. Further,upon written request of any such person, and a showing of a continuedproprietary interest affecting competitive rights, the Department shall holdthe material confidential for additional two‑year periods. Nothing inthis section shall be construed to deny the North Carolina Geological Surveyaccess to all logs, plats, and reports filed under this Chapter. The NorthCarolina Geological Survey shall be bound to hold this information confidentialto the same extent that the Department is bound. (1983, c. 279, s. 1.)