§ 74C‑5. Powers of theBoard.
In addition to the powersconferred upon the Board elsewhere in this Chapter, the Board shall have thepower to do all of the following:
(1) Adopt rulesnecessary to carry out and administer the provisions of this Chapter includingthe authority to require the submission of reports and information by licenseesunder this Chapter.
(2) Determine minimumqualifications, establish and require written or oral examinations, andestablish minimum education, experience, and training standards for applicantsand licensees under this Chapter.
(3) Conductinvestigations regarding alleged violations and to make evaluations as may benecessary to determine if licensees and trainees under this Chapter arecomplying with the provisions of this Chapter.
(4) Adopt and amendbylaws, consistent with law, for its internal management and control.
(5) Approve individualapplicants to be licensed or registered according to this Chapter.
(6) Deny, suspend, orrevoke any license or trainee permit issued or to be issued under this Chapterto any applicant, licensee, or permit holder who fails to satisfy therequirements of this Chapter or the rules established by the Board. The denial,suspension, or revocation shall be in accordance with Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes of North Carolina.
(7) Issue subpoenas tocompel the attendance of witnesses and the production of pertinent books,accounts, records, and documents. The district court shall have the power toimpose punishment pursuant to G.S. Chapter 5A, Article 2, for acts occurring inmatters pending before the Private Protective Services Board which wouldconstitute civil contempt if the acts occurred in an action pending in court.
(8) Repealed by SessionLaws 1989, c. 759, s. 5.
(9) Adopt rules governingdetection of deception schools, and charge fees for reimbursement of costsincurred pursuant to approval of the schools.
(10) Contract for servicesas necessary to carry out the functions of the Board.
(11) Approve trainingschools, instructors, and course materials for any person, firm, association,or corporation wishing to provide training described in this Chapter.
(12) Approve a design fora badge or shield that indicates a person is licensed or registered to engagein private protective services. The badge or shield shall be approved by theNorth Carolina Sheriffs' Association and the North Carolina Association ofChiefs of Police. (1973,c. 528, s. 1; c. 1331, s. 3; 1979, c. 818, s. 2; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c.1359, s. 3; 1983, c. 794, s. 2; c. 810; 1989, c. 759, s. 5; 1999‑456, s.19; 2007‑511, s. 2.)