§ 74C‑9. Form oflicense; term; renewal; posting; branch offices; not assignable; late renewalfee.
(a) The license whenissued shall be in such form as may be determined by the Board and shall state:
(1) The name of thelicensee,
(2) The name under whichthe licensee is to operate, and
(3) The number andexpiration date of the license.
(b) The license shallbe issued for a term of two years. A trainee permit shall be issued for a termof two years. All licenses must be renewed prior to the expiration of the termof the license. Following issuance, the license shall at all times be posted ina conspicuous place in the licensee's principal place of business, in NorthCarolina, unless for good cause exempted by the Director. A license issuedunder this Chapter is not assignable. The Board may require all licensees tocomplete continuing education courses approved by the Board before renewal oftheir licenses.
(c) Repealed by SessionLaws 1989, c. 759, s. 7.
(d) The operator ormanager of any branch office shall be properly licensed or registered. Thelicense shall be posted at all times in a conspicuous place in the branchoffice. This license shall be issued for a term of two years. Every businesscovered under the provisions of this Chapter shall file in writing with theBoard the addresses of each of its branch offices, if any, within 10 workingdays after the establishment, closing, or changing of the location of anybranch office. The Director may, upon the successful completion of aninvestigation of the application, issue a temporary branch office licensepending approval of the application by the Board.
(e) The Board isauthorized to charge reasonable application and license fees as follows:
(1) A nonrefundableinitial application fee in an amount not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars($150.00).
(2) A new or renewallicense fee in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) peryear of the license term.
(3) A new or renewaltrainee permit fee in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars($250.00) per year of the license term.
(4) A new or renewal feefor each license or duplicate license in addition to the basic license referredto in subsection (2) in an amount not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) per yearof the license term.
(5) A late renewal feeto be paid within 90 days from the date the license, registration, permit, orcertification expires in addition to the renewal fee due in an amount not toexceed one hundred dollars ($100.00), if the license, registration, permit, orcertification has not been renewed on or before the expiration date of thelicense, registration, permit, or certification.
(6) A new, renewal,replacement or reissuance fee for an unarmed registration identification cardin an amount not to exceed thirty dollars ($30.00).
(7) An application feefor a firearm registration permit not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
(8) A new, renewal,replacement, or reissuance fee for a firearm registration permit not to exceedthirty dollars ($30.00).
(9) An application feefor certification as a certified trainer not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
(10) A renewal orreplacement fee for certified trainer certification not to exceed twenty‑fivedollars ($25.00).
(11) A new nonresidenttemporary permit fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(12) An unarmedregistration transfer fee not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(13) A branch officelicense fee not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) per year of the license term.
(14) A special limitedguard and patrol license fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) peryear of the license term.
(15) A correctable errorfee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each subsequent filing ofan application following review and rejection of the initial application.
Except as provided in G.S. 74C‑13(k),all fees collected pursuant to this section shall be expended, under thedirection of the Board, for the purpose of defraying the expenses ofadministering this Chapter.
(f) A license ortrainee permit granted under the provisions of this Chapter may be renewed bythe Private Protective Services Board upon notification by the licensee orpermit holder to the Director of intended renewal, the payment of the properfee, and evidence of a policy of liability insurance as prescribed in G.S. 74C‑10(e).
The renewal shall be finalizedbefore the expiration date of the license. In no event will renewal be grantedmore than three months after the date of expiration of a license or traineepermit.
(g) Upon notificationof approval of the application by the Board, an applicant must furnish evidencethat the applicant has obtained the necessary liability insurance required byG.S. 74C‑10 and obtain the license applied for or the application shalllapse.
(h) Trainee permitsshall not be issued to applicants that qualify for a private detective license.A licensed private detective may supervise no more than five trainees at anygiven time. (1973,c. 528, s. 1; c. 1428; 1975, c. 592, ss. 2‑4; 1979, c. 818, s. 2; 1983,c. 67, s. 1; c. 794, s. 8; 1985, c. 597, ss. 1‑7; 1987, c. 657, s. 3;1989, c. 759, s. 7; 2001‑487, s. 64(d); 2007‑511, s. 3; 2009‑328,ss. 5, 6.)