§ 74E‑2. Policy andscope.
(a) The purpose of thisChapter is to ensure a minimum level of integrity, proficiency, and competenceamong company police agencies and company police officers. To achieve thispurpose, the General Assembly finds that a Company Police Program needs to beestablished. As part of the Company Police Program, the Attorney General isgiven the authority to certify an agency as a company police agency and tocommission an individual as a company police officer.
(b) A hospital, a Stateinstitution, or a corporation engaged in providing on‑site policesecurity personnel services for persons or property may apply to the AttorneyGeneral to be certified as a company police agency. A company police agency mayapply to the Attorney General to commission an individual designated by theagency to act as a company police officer for the agency. (1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c.1043, s. 1; 2005‑231, s. 2.)