§ 74F‑5. North CarolinaLocksmith Licensing Board.
(a) Composition andTerms. The Board shall consist of nine members who shall serve staggeredterms. Three members shall represent the public. The initial Board membersshall be appointed on or before January 1, 2002, as follows:
(1) The GeneralAssembly, upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate,shall appoint three locksmiths, two of whom shall serve terms of four years andone of whom shall serve a term of three years. At least one of the locksmithsshall represent a recognized locksmith organization in the State.
(2) The GeneralAssembly, upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, shall appoint three locksmiths, one of whom shall serve a termof four years, one of whom shall serve a term of three years, and one of whomshall serve a term of two years. At least one of the locksmiths shall representa recognized locksmith organization in the State.
(3) The Governor shallappoint three public members, one of whom shall serve a term of three years andtwo of whom shall serve terms of two years.
Upon the expiration of theterms of the initial Board members, each member shall be appointed for a termof three years and shall serve until a successor is appointed. No member mayserve more than two consecutive terms.
(b) Qualifications. The locksmith members shall have at least five years' experience in locksmithservices and shall be engaged in that business for the duration of their termon the Board. The locksmith members initially appointed to the Board shallimmediately become licensed as locksmiths by complying with the provisions ofthis Chapter. Public members of the Board shall not be trained or experiencedin locksmith services, have a financial interest in a locksmith business, or bethe spouse of a person who is so trained or experienced or has such aninterest. All members of the Board shall reside in this State and shallrepresent various geographical areas of the State.
(c) Vacancies. Avacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, exceptthat all unexpired terms in seats appointed by the General Assembly shall befilled in accordance with G.S. 120‑122. Appointees to fill vacanciesshall serve the remainder of the unexpired term and until their successors havebeen duly appointed and qualified.
(d) Removal. TheBoard may remove any of its members for neglect of duty, incompetence, orunprofessional conduct. A member subject to disciplinary proceedings as alicensee shall be disqualified from participating in the official business ofthe Board until the charges have been resolved.
(e) Compensation. Each member of the Board shall receive per diem and reimbursement for traveland subsistence as provided in G.S. 93B‑5.
(f) Officers. Theofficers of the Board shall be a chair, a vice‑chair, and other officersdeemed necessary by the Board to carry out the purposes of this Chapter. Allofficers shall be elected annually during the first meeting of the calendaryear by the Board for one‑year terms and shall serve until theirsuccessors are elected and qualified.
(g) Meetings. TheBoard shall hold at least two meetings each year to conduct business and toreview the standards and rules for issuing licenses under this Chapter. TheBoard shall adopt rules governing the calling, holding, and conducting ofregular and special meetings. A majority of Board members shall constitute aquorum. (2001‑369,s. 1.)