§ 74G‑4. Powers ofAttorney General.
The Attorney General has thefollowing powers in addition to those conferred elsewhere in this Chapter:
(1) To establish minimumeducation, experience, and training standards and establish and require writtenor oral examinations for an applicant for certification as a campus policeagency, a certified campus police agency, an applicant for commission as acampus police officer, or a commissioned campus police officer.
(2) To require a campuspolice agency or a campus police officer to submit reports or otherinformation.
(3) To inspect recordsmaintained by a campus police agency.
(4) To conductinvestigations regarding alleged violations of this Chapter or a rule adoptedunder this Chapter and to make evaluations as may be necessary to determine ifa campus police agency or a campus police officer is complying with thisChapter or a rule adopted under this Chapter.
(5) To deny, suspend, orrevoke a certification as a campus police agency or a commission as a campuspolice officer for failure to meet the requirements of or comply with thisChapter or a rule adopted under this Chapter, in accordance with Article 3 ofChapter 150B of the General Statutes.
(6) To appear in thename of the Campus Police Program and apply to the courts having jurisdictionfor injunctions to prevent a violation of this Chapter or a rule adopted underthis Chapter.
(7) To delegate theauthority to administer this Chapter.
(8) To require that theCriminal Justice Standards Division provide administrative support staff forthe Campus Police Program.
(9) To adopt rulesneeded to implement this Chapter, in accordance with Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes. (2005‑231,s. 1.)