§ 75‑39. Conditioningservices on electric service prohibited.
(a) No municipality orother provider of water or sewer services may offer, or agree to provide,extend, enhance, or accelerate the provision of water or sewer services, orfacilities or other municipal services or facilities, to any person inconsideration of that person or another person agreeing to receive electricservice from the municipality or another electric supplier.
(b) No municipality orother provider of water or sewer services may refuse to provide, or threaten oract to deny, delay, or terminate the provision of, water or sewer services orfacilities, or other municipal services or facilities, to any person as aresult of, or in an attempt to influence, the choice of an electric supplier bythat person or another person.
(c) A violation of thissection by any municipality or other provider of water or sewer services shallconstitute an unfair method of competition and an unfair act or practice underG.S. 75‑1.1. (2005‑150,s. 1.)