§75‑53. Unreasonable publication.
No debt collector shallunreasonably publicize information regarding a consumer's debt. Suchunreasonable publication includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) Any communicationwith any person other than the debtor or his attorney, except:
a. With the writtenpermission of the debtor or his attorney given after default;
b. To persons employedby the debt collector, to a credit reporting agency, to a person or businessemployed to collect the debt on behalf of the creditor, or to a person whomakes a legitimate request for the information;
c. To the spouse (orone who stands in place of the spouse) of the debtor, or to the parent orguardian of the debtor if the debtor is a minor and lives in the same household with such parent;
d. For the sole purposeof locating the debtor, if no indication of indebtedness is made;
e. Through legalprocess.
(2) Using any form ofcommunication which ordinarily would be seen or heard by any person other thanthe consumer that displays or conveys any information about the alleged debtother than the name, address and phone number of the debt collector except asotherwise provided in this Article.
(3) Disclosing anyinformation relating to a consumer's debt by publishing or posting any list ofconsumers, except for credit reporting purposes and the publication anddistribution of otherwise permissible "stop lists" to the point‑of‑salelocations where credit is extended, or by advertising for sale any claim toenforce payment thereof or in any other manner other than through legalprocess. (1977, c. 747, s. 4; 1979, c. 910.)