§ 75A‑13.1. Skin andscuba divers.
(a) No person shallengage in skin diving or scuba diving in the waters of this State that are opento boating, or assist in such diving, without displaying a diver's flag from amast, buoy, or other structure at the place of diving; and no person shalldisplay such flag except when diving operations are under way or inpreparation.
(b) The diver's flagshall be square, not less than 12 inches on a side, and shall be of redbackground with a diagonal white stripe, of a width equal to one fifth of theflag's height, running from the upper corner adjacent to the mast downward tothe opposite outside corner.
(c) No operator of avessel under way in the waters of this State shall permit the vessel toapproach closer than 50 feet to any structure from which a diver's flag is thenbeing displayed, except where the flag is so positioned as to constitute anunreasonable obstruction to navigation; and no person shall engage in skindiving or scuba diving or display a diver's flag in any locality that willunreasonably obstruct vessels from making legitimate navigational use of thewater.
(d) A person whoviolates a provision of this section is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor andshall only be subject to a fine not to exceed twenty‑five dollars($25.00). (1969,c. 97, s. 1; 2006‑185, s. 1.)