Part 2. Roanoke River BasinAdvisory Committee.
§ 77‑103. Committeeestablished; membership; terms; vacancies.
(a) The North CarolinaRoanoke River Basin Advisory Committee is established as an advisory committeeto the North Carolina delegation to the Roanoke River Basin Bi‑StateCommission. The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to assist the delegationin achieving the purposes of the Commission as set out in G.S. 77‑91 andin fulfilling the powers and duties set out in G.S. 77‑93.
(b) The Advisory Committeeshall be composed of 21 members as follows:
(1) Three members of theHouse of Representatives whose districts include a part of the North Carolinaportion of the Basin, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives.
(2) Three members of theSenate whose districts include a part of the North Carolina portion of theBasin, to be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(3) The member of theUnited States House of Representatives who represents North CarolinaCongressional District 1, if the Representative elects to serve on the AdvisoryCommittee, or that Representative's designee.
(4) The member of theUnited States House of Representatives who represents North CarolinaCongressional District 13, if the Representative elects to serve on theAdvisory Committee, or that Representative's designee.
(5) Twelve persons whoreside within the North Carolina portion of the Basin, who represent thediversity of interests in the Basin, and who have demonstrated interest,experience, or expertise in water‑related Basin issues, appointed asprovided in this subdivision. The chief executive officer of each of thefollowing councils and commissions shall each appoint two persons, one of whommay be the chief executive officer and at least one of whom shall reside in thearea served by the council or commission, as members of the Advisory Committee:
a. Piedmont TriadCouncil of Governments.
b. Northwest PiedmontCouncil of Governments.
c. Kerr‑TarRegional Council of Governments.
d. Upper Coastal PlainCouncil of Governments.
e. Mid‑EastCommission.
f. Albemarle EconomicDevelopment Commission.
(6) The Secretary ofEnvironment and Natural Resources or the Secretary's designee.
(c) The terms of eachmember of the Advisory Committee appointed as provided in subdivision (5) ofsubsection (b) of this section shall be two years. The term of one of thesemembers shall expire on 1 January of even‑numbered years, and the term ofthe other member shall expire on 1 January of odd‑numbered years. A memberwho is appointed pursuant to subdivision (5) of subsection (b) of this sectionwho attends at least one‑half of the meetings of the Advisory Committeeheld during the member's term may be reappointed to another term, but no membershall serve more than three consecutive terms. The terms of all other membersof the Advisory Committee shall begin when the member is appointed and end whenthe member's term as Representative, Senator, United States Representative, orSecretary ends. An appointment to fill a vacancy on the Advisory Committeeshall be for the unexpired balance of the term. A vacancy on the AdvisoryCommittee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. (2002‑177, s. 1.)