§ 77‑112. Powers andduties.
(a) The authoritygranted to each commission shall be advisory in nature and in no way shalleither commission be construed to have any regulatory authority.
(b) Neither commissionshall have any authority to obligate or otherwise bind the State of NorthCarolina, the State of South Carolina, or any agency or subdivision of eitherstate.
(c) To achieve itspurposes, each commission shall have all of the following powers and duties:
(1) To develop rules andprocedures for the conduct of its business or as may be necessary to performits duties and carry out its objectives including, but not limited to, callingmeetings and establishing voting procedures. Rules and procedures developedpursuant to this item shall be effective upon an affirmative vote by a majorityof the commission members.
(2) To establishstanding and ad hoc committees, which shall be constituted in a manner toensure a balance between recognized interests and states. The commissions shalldetermine the purpose of each standing or ad hoc committee.
(3) To seek, apply for,accept, and expend gifts, grants, donations, services, and other aid frompublic or private sources. The commissions may accept or expend funds onlyafter an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of the commissions.
(4) To exercise thepowers of a body corporate, including the power to sue and be sued, and adoptand use a common seal and alter the same.
(5) To enter intocontracts and execute all instruments necessary or appropriate to achieve thepurposes of the commissions.
(6) To designate afiscal agent.
(7) To perform anylawful acts necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of thecommissions. (2004‑83,s. 1.)