§ 77‑127. (EffectiveJuly 1, 2010) Department of Environment and Natural Resources establish pumpoutfacility criteria; inspection of pumpout facilities and vessels docked ormoored at a marina.
(a) The Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources shall establish appropriate criteria forpumpout facilities and pumpout services provided at large vessel marinas thatoffer docking services to the general public. The criteria shall includerequirements that the facility or services be available to the public, thepumpout facility be open during normal hours, and the pumpout facility be usedfor its intended purpose. The criteria also shall include a requirement thatthese marinas maintain records regarding the pumpout facility or services. TheDepartment also shall develop guidelines for inspections of pumpout facilitiesat such marinas and of vessels that are docked or moored at these marinas.
(b) The Department alsoshall establish appropriate criteria for pumpout facilities and pumpoutservices provided at privately owned large vessel marinas that do not offerdocking services to the general public. The criteria shall include requirementsthat the facility or services be made reasonably available to members of theprivate marina and the pumpout facility be used for its intended purpose. Thecriteria also shall include a requirement that these marinas maintain recordsregarding the pumpout facility or services. The Department also shall developguidelines for inspections of pumpout facilities at such marinas and of vesselsthat are docked or moored at these marinas. (2009‑345, s. 1.)