Lake Wylie MarineCommission.
§ 77‑30. Definitions.
For purposes of this article:
(1) "Board"means the board of commissioners of Mecklenburg and Gaston Counties, NorthCarolina and the county council of York County, South Carolina.
(2) "Commission"means the Lake Wylie Marine Commission or its governing board as the case maybe.
(3) "Commissioner"means a member of the governing board of the Lake Wylie Marine Commission.
(4) "Threecounties" means Mecklenburg and Gaston Counties, North Carolina, and YorkCounty, South Carolina.
(5) "Jointordinance" means an ordinance substantially identical in content adoptedseparately by the board in each of the three counties.
(6) "LakeWylie" means the impounded body of water along the Catawba River in the threecounties extending from the base of Mountain Island Dam downstream to theCatawba Dam.
(7) "Shorelinearea" means, except as restricted by a joint ordinance, the area withinthe three counties lying within 1000 feet of the mean high‑water line(570 feet) on Lake Wylie. In addition, the shoreline area includes all islandswithin Lake Wylie and all peninsulas extending into the waters of Lake Wylie.
(8) "WildlifeCommission" means the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and theSouth Carolina Department of Wildlife and Marine Resources. (1987,c. 683, s. 2; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 897, s. 1.)