§77‑36. Filing and distribution of certified single ordinance text;effective date of ordinance and admissibility of evidence.
(a) A copy of the jointordinance creating the Commission and of any joint ordinance amending orrepealing the joint ordinance creating the Commission must be filed with theExecutive Director of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and theExecutive Director of the South Carolina Department of Wildlife and MarineResources. When the Executive Directors receive ordinances that are insubstance identical from all three counties concerned, they, in accordance withprocedures agreed upon, shall, within 10 days, certify this fact and distributea certified single ordinance text to the following:
(1) The Secretary ofState of North Carolina and the Secretary of State of South Carolina;
(2) The clerk to thegoverning board of each of the three counties;
(3) The clerk ofsuperior court of Mecklenburg and Gaston Counties and the clerk of court ofYork County. Upon request, the Executive Directors also shall send a certifiedsingle copy of any and all applicable joint ordinances to the chairman of theCommission;
(4) A newspaper ofgeneral circulation in the three counties.
(b) Unless a jointordinance specifies a later date, it shall take effect when the ExecutiveDirectors' certified text has been submitted to the Secretaries of State forfiling. Certifications of the Executive Directors under the seal of theCommission as to the text or amended text of any joint ordinance and of thedate or dates of submission to the Secretaries of State is admissible inevidence in any court. Certifications by any clerk of superior court or countyclerk of court of the text of any certified ordinance filed with him by theExecutive Directors is admissible in evidence and the Executive Directors'submission of the ordinance for filing to the clerk shall constitute primafacie evidence that the ordinance was on the date of submission also submittedfor filing with the Secretary of State. Except for the certificate of a clerkas to receipt and date of submission, no evidence may be admitted in courtconcerning the submission of the certified text of any ordinance by theExecutive Directors to any person other than the Secretary of State. (1987,c. 683, s. 7; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 897, s. 7.)