§77‑51. Creation of Commission authorized.
The two counties may by jointordinance create the High Rock Lake Marine Commission. The Boards shall hold apublic hearing on the joint ordinance to create the Commission. The locationof the public hearing shall be determined by the Boards and established byresolution. The Boards shall cause notice of the hearing to be published oncea week for two successive calendar weeks in a newspaper of general circulationin each county. The notice shall be published the first time not less than 10days nor more than 25 days before the date fixed for the hearing. Upon itscreation the Commission shall enjoy the powers and have the duties andresponsibilities conferred upon it by joint ordinance, subject to the provisionsof this Article and the laws of the State of North Carolina. The provisions ofany joint ordinance may be modified, amended, or rescinded by a subsequentjoint ordinance. A county may unilaterally withdraw from participation asrequired by any joint ordinance or the provisions of this Article, once theCommission has been created. Any county may unilaterally withdraw from theCommission at the end of its fiscal year, by written notification to the othercounty and the Commission of its intent to withdraw, with notification 90 daysprior to the end of the fiscal year. Upon the effectuation of the withdrawal,the Commission is dissolved, and all property of the Commission shall bedistributed to or divided among the two counties and any other public agency oragencies serving the High Rock Lake area in a manner considered equitable bythe Commission by resolution adopted prior to dissolution. (1993,c. 355, s. 2.)