§ 7A‑105. Suspension, removal, and reinstatement of clerk.
A clerk of superior court may be suspended or removed from office forwillful misconduct or mental or physical incapacity, and reinstated, under thesame procedures as are applicable to a superior court district attorney, exceptthat the procedure shall be initiated by the filing of a sworn affidavit withthe chief district judge of the district in which the clerk resides, and thehearing shall be conducted by the senior regular resident superior court judgeserving the county of the clerk's residence. If suspension is ordered, thejudge shall appoint some qualified person to act as clerk during the period ofthe suspension. (1967, c. 691, s.6; 1971, c. 363, s. 10; 1973, c. 47, s. 2; c. 148, s. 2.)