§ 7A‑11. Clerk of the Supreme Court; salary;bond; fees; oath.
The clerk of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the Supreme Courtto serve at its pleasure. The annual salary of the clerk shall be fixed by theAdministrative Officer of the Courts, subject to the approval of the SupremeCourt. The clerk may appoint assistants in the number and at the salaries fixedby the Administrative Officer of the Courts. The clerk shall perform suchduties as the Supreme Court may assign, and shall be bonded to the State, forfaithful performance of duty, in the same manner as the clerk of the superiorcourt, and in such amount as the Administrative Officer of the Courts shalldetermine. He shall adopt a seal of office, to be approved by the SupremeCourt. A fee bill for services rendered by the clerk shall be fixed by rules ofthe Supreme Court, and all such fees shall be remitted to the State treasury.Charges to litigants for the reproduction of appellate records and briefs shallbe fixed by rule of the Supreme Court and remitted to the Appellate CourtsPrinting and Computer Operations Fund established in G.S. 7A‑343.3. Theoperations of the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be subject to the oversightof the State Auditor pursuant to Article 5A of Chapter 147 of the GeneralStatutes. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the clerk shall takethe oath of office prescribed by law. (1967, c. 108, s.1; 1969, c. 1190, s. 2; 1973, c. 750; 1983, c. 913, s. 3; 2002‑126, s.2.2(j).)