§ 7A‑13. SupremeCourt library; functions; librarian; library committee; seal of office.
(a) The Supreme Court shall appoint a librarian of the SupremeCourt library, to serve at the pleasure of the court. The annual salary of thelibrarian shall be fixed by the Administrative Officer of the Courts, subjectto the approval of the Supreme Court. The librarian may appoint assistants innumbers and at salaries to be fixed by the Administrative Officer of theCourts.
(b) The primary function of the Supreme Court library is toserve the appellate division of the General Court of Justice, but it may renderservice to the trial divisions of the General Court of Justice, to Stateagencies, and to the general public, under such regulations as the librarian,subject to the approval of the library committee, may promulgate.
(c) The library shall be maintained in the city of Raleigh,except that if the Court of Appeals sits regularly in locations other than thecity of Raleigh, branch libraries may be established at such locations for theuse of the Court of Appeals.
(d) The librarian shall promulgate rules and regulations for theuse of the library, subject to the approval of a library committee, to becomposed of two justices of the Supreme Court appointed by the Chief Justice,and one judge of the Court of Appeals appointed by the Chief Judge.
(e) The librarian may adopt a seal of office.
(f) The librarian may operate a copying service by means ofwhich he may furnish certified or uncertified copies of all or portions of anydocument, paper, book, or other writing in the library that legally may becopied. When a certificate is made under his hand and attested by his officialseal, it shall be received as prima facie evidence of the correctness of thematter therein contained, and as such shall receive full faith and credit. Thefees for copies shall be approved by the library committee, and the fees socollected shall be administered in the same manner as the charges to litigantsfor the reproduction of appellate records and briefs. (1967, c. 108, s. 1.)