§ 7A‑20. Clerk; oath; bond; salary; assistants;fees.
(a) The Court of Appeals shall appoint a clerk to serve at itspleasure. Before entering upon his duties, the clerk shall take the oath ofoffice prescribed for the clerk of the Supreme Court, conformed to the officeof clerk of the Court of Appeals, and shall be bonded, in the same manner asthe clerk of superior court, in an amount prescribed by the AdministrativeOfficer of the Courts, payable to the State, for the faithful performance ofhis duties. The salary of the clerk shall be fixed by the AdministrativeOfficer of the Courts, subject to the approval of the Court of Appeals. Thenumber and salaries of his assistants, and their bonds, if required, shall befixed by the Administrative Officer of the Courts. The clerk shall adopt a sealof office, to be approved by the Court of Appeals.
(b) Subject to approval of the Supreme Court, the Court ofAppeals shall promulgate from time to time a fee bill for services rendered bythe clerk, and such fees shall be remitted to the State Treasurer. Charges tolitigants for the reproduction of appellate records and briefs shall be fixedby rule of the Supreme Court and remitted to the Appellate Courts Printing andComputer Operations Fund established in G.S. 7A‑343.3. The operations ofthe Court of Appeals shall be subject to the oversight of the State Auditorpursuant to Article 5A of Chapter 147 of the General Statutes. (1967, c. 108, s. 1; 1983, c. 913, s. 4; 2002‑126, s. 2.2(k).)