§ 7A‑292. Additionalpowers of magistrates.
In addition to thejurisdiction and powers assigned in this Chapter to the magistrate in civil andcriminal actions, each magistrate has the following additional powers:
(1) To administer oaths.
(2) To punish for directcriminal contempt subject to the limitations contained in Chapter 5A of theGeneral Statutes of North Carolina.
(3) When authorized bythe chief district judge, to take depositions and examinations before trial.
(4) To issue subpoenasand capiases valid throughout the county.
(5) To take affidavitsfor the verification of pleadings.
(6) To issue writs ofhabeas corpus ad testificandum, as provided in G.S. 17‑41.
(7) To assign a year'sallowance to the surviving spouse and a child's allowance to the children asprovided in Chapter 30, Article 4, of the General Statutes.
(8) To takeacknowledgments of instruments, as provided in G.S. 47‑1.
(9) To perform themarriage ceremony, as provided in G.S. 51‑1.
(10) To takeacknowledgment of a written contract or separation agreement between husbandand wife.
(11) Repealed by SessionLaws 1973, c. 503, s. 9.
(12) To assesscontribution for damages or for work done on a dam, canal, or ditch, asprovided in G.S. 156‑15.
(13) Repealed by SessionLaws 1973, c. 503, s. 9.
(14) To accept the filingof complaints and to issue summons pursuant to Article 4 of Chapter 42A of theGeneral Statutes in expedited eviction proceedings when the office of the clerkof superior court is closed.
(15) When authorized bythe chief district judge, as permitted in G.S. 7A‑146(11), to provide forappointment of counsel pursuant to Article 36 of this Chapter.
(16) To appoint an umpireto determine motor vehicle liability policy diminution in value, as provided inG.S. 20‑279.21(d1). (1965, c. 310, s. 1; 1967, c. 691, s. 25; 1971, c.377, s. 17; 1973, c. 503, s. 9; 1977, c. 375, s. 4; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1080,s. 6; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 4, s. 4; 1999‑420, s. 4; 1999‑456, s.9(a), (b); 2009‑419, s. 1; 2009‑440, s. 2; 2009‑566, s. 28;2009‑570, s. 48.2.)