§ 7A‑308. Miscellaneousfees and commissions.
(a) The followingmiscellaneous fees and commissions shall be collected by the clerk of superiorcourt and remitted to the State for the support of the General Court ofJustice:
(1) Foreclosure under power of sale in deed oftrust or mortgage................. $150.00
If theproperty is sold under the power of sale, an additional amount will be charged,determined by the following formula: forty‑five cents (.45) per onehundred dollars ($100.00), or major fraction thereof, of the final sale price.If the amount determined by the formula is less than ten dollars ($10.00), aminimum ten dollar ($10.00) fee will be collected. If the amount determined bythe formula is more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), a maximum five hundred‑dollar($500.00) fee will be collected.
(2) Proceeding supplemental to execution........................................................ 30.00
(3) Confession of judgment.............................................................................. 25.00
(4) Taking a deposition.................................................................................... 10.00
(5) Execution.................................................................................................. 25.00
(6) Notice of resumption of former name......................................................... 10.00
(7) Taking an acknowledgment or administeringan oath, or both, with or without seal, each certificate (except that oaths ofoffice shall be administered to public officials without charge)...................................................................................................... $2.00
(8) Bond, taking justification or approving........................................................ 10.00
(9) Certificate, under seal.................................................................................. 3.00
(10) Exemplification of records.......................................................................... 10.00
(11) Recording or docketing (including indexing)any document
‑ first page................................................................................................... 6.00
‑ each additional page or fraction thereof........................................................ .25
(12) Preparation of copies first page (of eachdocument copied)........................ 2.00
‑ each additional page or fraction thereof........................................................ .25
(13) Preparation and docketing of transcript ofjudgment.................................... 10.00
(14) Substitution of trustee in deed of trust......................................................... 10.00
(15) Execution of passport application theamount allowed by federal law
(16) Repealed by Session Laws 1989, c. 783, s. 2.
(17) Criminal record search except if search isrequested by an agency of the State or any of its political subdivisions or byan agency of the United States or by a petitioner in a proceeding under Article2 of General Statutes Chapter 20......................... 25.00
(18) Filing the affirmations, acknowledgments,agreements and resulting orders entered into under the provisions of G.S. 110‑132and G.S. 110‑133............................. 6.00
(19) Repealed by Session Laws 1989, c. 783, s. 3.
(20) Filing a motion to assert a right of accessunder G.S. 1‑72.1....................... 30.00.
(b) The fees andcommissions set forth in this section are not chargeable when the service isperformed as a part of the regular disposition of any action or specialproceeding or the administration of an estate. When a transaction involves morethan one of the services set forth in this section, only the greater servicefee shall be charged. The Director of the Administrative Office of the courtsshall issue guidelines pursuant to G.S. 7A‑343(3) to be followed inadministering this subsection.
(b1) The fees set forthin subdivision (12) of subsection (a) of this section are not chargeable whencopies are requested by an attorney who has been appointed or who is undercontract with the Office of Indigent Defense Services to represent an indigentperson at State expense, if the request is made in connection with theappointed case or the contract and during the duration of the appointment orthe contract.
(c) A person whoparticipates in a program for the collection of worthless checks under G.S. 14‑107.2must pay a fee of sixty dollars ($60.00). The fee collected under thissubsection must be remitted to the State by the clerk of the court in thecounty in which the program is established and credited to the Collection ofWorthless Checks Fund. The Collection of Worthless Checks Fund is created as aspecial revenue fund. Revenue in the Fund does not revert at the end of thefiscal year, and interest and other investment income earned by the Fundaccrues to the Fund. The money in the Fund is subject to appropriation by theGeneral Assembly and may be used solely for the expenses of the programsestablished under G.S. 14‑107.2 for the collection of worthless checks,including personnel, equipment, and other costs of district attorneys' officesthat are attributable to the provision of these programs. (1965, c. 310, s. 1; 1967,c. 691, ss. 32, 33; 1969, c. 1190, s. 31; 1971, c. 956, s. 2; 1973, c. 503, s.16; c. 886; 1975, c. 829; 1981, c. 313, s. 1; 1983, c. 713, s. 18; 1985, c.475, ss. 2, 3; c. 481, ss. 6‑8; c. 511, s. 2; 1989, c. 783, ss. 2‑4;c. 786, ss. 1, 3; 1997‑114, s. 1; 1997‑443, s. 18.22(a); 1998‑23,s. 11; 1998‑212, s. 16.3; 1999‑237, s. 17.7; 2000‑67, s.15.3A(a); 2000‑109, s. 4(e); 2001‑516, s. 2; 2002‑126, ss.29A.7(a), 29A.13.1(a); 2002‑135, s. 4; 2003‑284, s. 36A.2; 2005‑251,s. 1; 2007‑323, ss. 30.8(e), (f), 30.10(c); 2008‑193, s. 2; 2009‑317,s. 1; 2009‑451, s. 15.20(l).)