§ 7A‑313. Uniformjail fees.
Persons who are lawfully confined in jail awaiting trial shall beliable to the county or municipality maintaining the jail in the sum of fivedollars ($5.00) for each 24 hours' confinement, or fraction thereof, exceptthat a person so confined shall not be liable for this fee if the case orproceeding against him is dismissed, or if acquitted, or if judgment isarrested, or if probable cause is not found, or if the grand jury fails toreturn a true bill.
Persons who are ordered to pay jail fees pursuant to a probationarysentence shall be liable to the county or municipality maintaining the jail atthe same per diem rate paid by the Department of Correction to local jails formaintaining a prisoner, as set by the General Assembly in its appropriationsacts. (1965, c. 310, s. 1; 1969,c. 1190, s. 33; 1973, c. 503, s. 20; 1975, c. 444; 1989, c. 733, s. 1; 2000‑109,s. 5; 2000‑140, s. 104.)