§ 7A‑343.3. Appellate Courts Printing andComputer Operations Fund.
The Appellate Courts Printing and Computer Operations Fund isestablished within the Judicial Department as a nonreverting, interest‑bearingspecial revenue account. Accordingly, interest and other investment incomeearned by the Fund shall be credited to it. All moneys collected throughcharges to litigants for the reproduction of appellate records and briefs underG.S. 7A‑11 and G.S. 7A‑20(b) shall be remitted to the StateTreasurer and held in this Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used to supportthe print shop operations of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals,including personnel, maintenance, and capital costs. The Judicial Departmentmay create and maintain receipt‑supported positions for these purposesbut shall report to the Chairs of the Senate and House of RepresentativesAppropriations Subcommittees on Justice and Public Safety prior to creatingsuch new positions.
The Judicial Department shall report to the Chairs of the Senate andHouse of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittees on Justice and PublicSafety by January 1 of each year on all receipts and expenditures of the Fund. (2002‑126, s. 14.12.)