§ 7A‑346.3. (Contingenteffective date see editor's note) Impaired driving integrated data systemreport.
The information compiled byG.S. 7A‑109.2 shall be maintained in an Administrative Office of theCourts database. By March 1, the Administrative Office of the Courts shallprovide an annual report of the previous calendar year to the Joint LegislativeCommission on Governmental Operations and the Joint Legislative Corrections,Crime Control, and Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee. The annual reportshall show the types of dispositions for the entire State by county, by judge,by prosecutor, and by defense attorney. This report shall also include theamount of fines, costs, and fees ordered at the disposition of the charge, theamount of any subsequent reduction, amount collected, and the amount stillowed, and compliance with sanctions of community service, jail, substance abuseassessment, treatment, and education. The Administrative Office of the Courtsshall facilitate public access to the information collected under this sectionby posting this information on the court's Internet page in a manner accessibleto the public and shall make reports of any information collected under thissection available to the public upon request and without charge. (2006‑253, s. 20.2.)