§ 7A‑38.7. Dispute resolution fee for casesresolved in mediation.
(a) In each criminal case filed in the General Court of Justicethat is resolved through referral to a community mediation center, a disputeresolution fee shall be assessed in the sum of sixty dollars ($60.00) permediation for the support of the General Court of Justice. Fees assessed underthis section shall be paid to the clerk of superior court in the county wherethe case was filed and remitted by the clerk to the State Treasurer.
(b) Before providing the district attorney with a dismissalform, the community mediation center shall require proof that the defendant haspaid the dispute resolution fee as required by subsection (a) of this sectionand shall attach the receipt to the dismissal form. (2002‑126, s. 29A.11(a); 2003‑284, s. 13.13.)