§ 7A‑45.3. Superior court judges designated forcomplex business cases.
The Chief Justice may exercise the authority under rules of practiceprescribed pursuant to G.S. 7A‑34 to designate one or more of the specialsuperior court judges authorized by G.S. 7A‑45.1 to hear and decidecomplex business cases as prescribed by the rules of practice. Any judge sodesignated shall be known as a Business Court Judge and shall preside in theBusiness Court. If there is more than one business court judge, the Chief Justicemay designate one of them as the Senior Business Court Judge. If there is nodesignation by the Chief Justice, the judge with the longest term of service onthe court shall serve as Senior Business Court Judge until the Chief Justicemakes an appointment to the position. (2005‑425, s.1.1.)