§ 7A‑474.3. Eligibleactivities and limitations.
(a) EligibleActivities. Funds appropriated under this Article shall be used only for thefollowing purposes:
(1) To provide legalassistance to eligible clients;
(2) To provide educationto eligible clients regarding their rights and duties under the law;
(3) To involve theprivate bar in the representation of eligible clients pursuant to this Article.
(b) Eligible Cases.Legal assistance shall be provided to eligible clients under this Article onlyin the following types of cases:
(1) Family violence orspouse abuse;
(2) Assistance for thedisabled in obtaining federal Social Security benefits;
(2a) Assistance foreligible clients in obtaining benefits or assistance under any federal law orprogram providing benefits or assistance for human trafficking victims.
(3) Representation ofeligible farmers faced with the potential of farm foreclosure;
(4) Representation ofeligible clients over the age of 60 regarding the following matters:
a. Wills and estates;
b. Safe and sanitaryhousing;
c. Pensions andretirement rights;
d. Social Security andMedicare rights;
e. Access to healthcare;
f. Food and nutrition;and
g. Transportation.
(5) Representation ofeligible clients designed to enable them to obtain the necessary skills andmeans to obtain meaningful employment at a decent wage and reduce the publicwelfare rolls; and
(6) Representation ofeligible clients under the age of 21 or eligible families with legal problemsaffecting persons under the age of 21 regarding the following matters:
a. Financial supportand custody of children;
b. Child care;
c. Child abuse orneglect;
d. Safe and sanitaryhousing;
e. Food and nutrition;and
f. Access to healthcare.
(7) Legal assistance toconsumers in cases involving predatory mortgage lending, mortgage broker andloan services abuses, foreclosure defense, and other legal issues that relateto helping consumers avoid foreclosure and home loss.
(c) Limitations. Nofunds appropriated under this Article shall be used for any of the followingpurposes:
(1) To provide legalassistance with respect to any proceeding or litigation which seeks to procurea nontherapeutic abortion or to compel any individual or institution to performan abortion, or assist in the performance of an abortion, or provide facilitiesfor the performance of an abortion;
(2) To provide legalassistance with respect to any criminal proceeding;
(3) To provide legalassistance to any agricultural employee or migrant farmworker employed in NorthCarolina with regard to the terms of the worker's employment, includingconditions relating to housing;
(4) To provide legalassistance to any prisoner within the North Carolina Department of Correctionwith regard to the terms of that person's incarceration; or
(5) To provide legalassistance to persons with mental handicaps residing in State institutions withregard to the terms and conditions of the treatment or services provided tothem by the State. (1989,c. 795, s. 25; 1997‑506, s. 29; 2007‑547, s. 10; 2008‑107, s.14.9.)