Article 39A.
Custody and Visitation Mediation Program.
§ 7A‑494. Custody and Visitation MediationProgram established.
(a) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall establish aCustody and Visitation Mediation Program to provide statewide and uniform servicesin accordance with G.S. 50‑13.1 in cases involving unresolved issuesabout the custody or visitation of minor children. The Director of theAdministrative Office of the Courts shall appoint such AOC staff supportrequired for planning, organizing, and administering such program on astatewide basis.
The purposes of the Custody and Visitation Mediation Program shall beto provide the services of skilled mediators to further the goals expressed inG.S. 50‑13.1(b).
(b) Beginning on July 1, 1989, the Administrative Office of theCourts shall establish in phases a statewide custody mediation programcomprised of local district programs to be established in all judicialdistricts of the State. Each local district program shall consist of: aqualified mediator or mediators to provide mediation services; and suchclerical staff as the Administrative Office of the Courts in consultation withthe local district program deems necessary. Such personnel, to be employed bythe Chief District Court Judge of the district, may serve as full‑time orpart‑time State employees or, in the alternative, such activities may beprovided on a contractual basis when determined appropriate by theAdministrative Office of the Courts. The Administrative Office of the Courts mayauthorize all or part of a program in one judicial district to be operated inconjunction with that of another district or districts. The Director of theAdministrative Office of the Courts is authorized to approve contractualagreements for such services as executed by order of the Chief District CourtJudge of a district court district; such contracts to be exempt fromcompetitive bidding procedures under Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. TheAdministrative Office of the Courts shall promulgate rules and regulationsnecessary and appropriate for the administration of the program. Fundsappropriated by the General Assembly for the establishment and maintenance ofmediation programs under this Article shall be administered by theAdministrative Office of the Courts.
(c) For a person to qualify to provide mediation services underthis Article, that person shall show that he or she:
(1) Has at minimum a master's degree in psychology, social work,family counselling, or a comparable human relations discipline; and
(2) Has at least 40 hours of training in mediation techniques bya qualified instructor of mediation as determined by the Administrative Officeof the Courts; and
(3) Has had professional training and experience relating tochild development, family dynamics, or comparable areas; and
(4) Meets such other criteria as may be specified by theAdministrative Office of the Courts. (1989, c. 795, s. 15.)