§ 7A‑64. Temporaryassistance for district attorneys.
(a) A district attorney may apply to the Director of theAdministrative Office of the Courts to:
(1) Temporarily assign an assistant district attorney fromanother district, after consultation with the district attorney thereof, toassist in the prosecution of cases in the requesting district;
(2) Authorize the temporary appointment, by the requestingdistrict attorney, of a qualified attorney to assist the requesting districtattorney; or
(3) Enter into contracts with local governments for theprovision of services by the State pursuant to G.S. 153A‑212.1 or G.S.160A‑289.1.
(b) The Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts mayprovide this assistance only upon a showing by the requesting districtattorney, supported by facts, that:
(1) Criminal cases have accumulated on the dockets of thesuperior or district courts of the district beyond the capacity of the districtattorney and the district attorney's full‑time assistants to keep thedockets reasonably current; or
(2) The overwhelming public interest warrants the use ofadditional resources for the speedy disposition of cases involving drugoffenses, domestic violence, or other offenses involving a threat to publicsafety.
(c) The length of service and compensation of any temporaryappointee or the terms of any contract entered into with local governmentsshall be fixed by Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts in eachcase. Nothing in this section shall be construed to obligate the GeneralAssembly to make any appropriation to implement the provisions of this sectionor to obligate the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide theadministrative costs of establishing or maintaining the positions or servicesprovided for under this section. Further, nothing in this section shall beconstrued to obligate the Administrative Office of the Courts to maintainpositions or services initially provided for under this section. (1967, c. 1049, s. 1; 1973, c. 47, s. 2; 1999‑237,s. 17.17(a); 2000‑67, s. 15.4(g).)