§ 7A‑66.1. Officeof solicitor may be denominated as office of district attorney;"solicitor" and "district attorney" made interchangeable;interchangeable use authorized in proceedings, documents, and quotations.
(a) The constitutional office of solicitor may be denominated asthe office of "district attorney" for all purposes, and the terms"solicitor" and "district attorney" shall be identical inmeaning and interchangeable in use. All terms derived from or related to theterm "solicitor" may embody this denomination.
(b) Repealed by Session Laws 1975, c. 956, s. 5.
(c) The interchangeable use authorized in this section includesuse in all forms of oral, written, visual, and other communication including:
(1) Oaths of office;
(2) Other oaths or orations required or permitted in court orofficial proceedings;
(3) Ballots;
(4) Statutes;
(5) Regulations;
(6) Ordinances;
(7) Judgments and other court orders and records;
(8) Opinions in cases;
(9) Contracts;
(10) Bylaws;
(11) Charters;
(12) Official commissions, orders of appointment, proclamations, executive orders, and other official papers or pronouncements of the Governoror any executive, legislative, or judicial official of the State or any of itssubdivisions;
(13) Official and unofficial letterheads;
(14) Campaign advertisements;
(15) Official and unofficial public notices; and
(16) In all other contexts not enumerated.
The interchangeability authorized in this section extends to the privilege of substituting terminology in matter quoted in oral, written, andother modes of communication without making indication of such change, exceptwhere such change may result in a substantive misunderstanding. Reprints orcertifications of the text of the Constitution of North Carolina made by theSecretary of State, however, must retain the original terminology and indicatein brackets beside the original terminology the appropriate alternative words. (1973, c. 47, s. 1; 1975, c. 956, s. 5.)