Article 61.
Sentencing Services Program.
§ 7A‑770. Purpose.
This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "SentencingServices Act." The purpose of this Article is to establish a statewidesentencing services program that will provide the judicial system withinformation that will assist that system in imposing sentences that make themost effective use of available resources. In furtherance of this purpose, thisArticle provides for the following:
(1) Establishment of local programs that can provide judges andother court officials with information about local correctional programs thatare appropriate for offenders who require a comprehensive sentencing plan thatcombines punishment, control, and rehabilitation services.
(2) Increased opportunities for certain felons to makerestitution to victims of crime through financial reimbursement or communityservice.
(3) Local involvement in the development of sentencing servicesto assure that they are specifically designed to meet local needs.
(4) Effective use of available community corrections programs byadvising judges and other court officials of the offenders most suited for aparticular program. (1983, c. 909, s.1; 1991, c. 566, ss. 2, 3; 1999‑306, s. 1.)