§ 7A‑793. Establishment of Program.
The North Carolina Drug Treatment Court Program is established in theAdministrative Office of the Courts to facilitate the creation and funding oflocal drug treatment court programs. The Director of the Administrative Officeof the Courts shall provide any necessary staff for planning, organizing, andadministering the program. Local drug treatment court programs funded pursuantto this Article shall be operated consistently with the guidelines adoptedpursuant to G.S. 7A‑795. Local drug treatment court programs establishedand funded pursuant to this Article may consist of adult drug treatment courtprograms, juvenile drug treatment court programs, family drug treatment courtprograms, or any combination of these programs. (1995, c. 507, s. 21.6(a); 1998‑23, s. 9; 1998‑212, s.16.15(a), (c); 2001‑424, s. 22.8(c).)