§ 7A‑97. Court'scontrol of argument.
In all trials in the superior courts there shall be allowed twoaddresses to the jury for the State or plaintiff and two for the defendant,except in capital felonies, when there shall be no limit as to number. The judgesof the superior court are authorized to limit the time of argument of counselto the jury on the trial of actions, civil and criminal as follows: to not lessthan one hour on each side in misdemeanors and appeals from justices of thepeace; to not less than two hours on each side in all other civil actions andin felonies less than capital; in capital felonies, the time of argument ofcounsel may not be limited otherwise than by consent, except that the court maylimit the number of those who may address the jury to three counsel on eachside. Where any greater number of addresses or any extension of time aredesired, motion shall be made, and it shall be in the discretion of the judgeto allow the same or not, as the interests of justice may require. In jurytrials the whole case as well of law as of fact may be argued to the jury. (1903, c. 433; Rev., s. 216; C.S., s. 203; 1927, c.52; 1995, c. 431, s. 7.)